YASS! 2022 masterclass are now available online

The recordings of the II season of YASS! masterclass program are now online.
For those who have missed them and for those who want to watch them again, they are on our VIMEO channel and here on the website, in the MEDIA section:
Helen Zaltzman – Boring Interesting
Mitra Kaboli – Behind the scenes of Welcome to Provincetown
Felix Blume – Listening to the other(s)
Sara de Monchy – How to make exciting youth audio
Nanna Hauge Kristensen – Loss, Rain and Listening as an act of intimacy.
You’ll get five diverse perspectives on podcasting and audio storytelling, five rich lectures we recommend you follow if you are struggling with complex multi-voice stories and hours of tape to edit, if you want to make the most of the narrative dimension of sound, if the interview with the expert makes you anxious, if you have an idea in your pocket for a podcast for children, if the intimacy of podcasting fascinates you but you are still trying to figure out how much to put yourself out there and how much to get involved.
For questions, requests, suggestions, write to
We’ll be glad to hear from you.