Radio Papesse & Internazionale Kids at TESTO
Save the date!
February 26th at 6.00 p.m.

From February 24th to 26th, Florence is hosting the second edition of TESTO, a beautiful book fair organized by Pitti Immagine.
After last year’s meeting with Paola Moretti e Riccardo Fazi, Papesse Radio will be back to TESTO and this year too, we are in very good company: Alberto Emiletti and Martina Recchiuti from Internazionale Kids – the monthly magazine that publishes the best of the world’s newspapers for readers aged 7 to 13 – will be joining us for a 45′ conversation about storytelling and writing for young audiences and we will pick up where we left off at Bambini all’ascolto (Listening Kids), the seminar dedicated to audio storytelling for children, which opened Lucia 2022, last December 9th.
In this regard, we will present a preview of the digital white paper that collects the results and that we are producing together with the illustrator Nicola Giorgio.
Save the date!
February 26th at 6.00 p.m.
TESTO full program is here.
To buy a ticket (5 € per day) you need to register online.