
9999 Una grande vita lunga

They wished me a great long life,’ says Giovanni Farina. Until 31 December 9999. Giovanni Farina was a lifer. This is a journey into the existence of a survivor. Giovanni Farina survived the life sentence to which he was sentenced. Giovanni Farina has survived his legend, that of the impregnable bandit Farina, indicated as the […]

The only animal that can speak?

A documentary produced within the context of YASS! mentorship propgram.Mentor: Yasmina Hamlawi A creative audio documentary exploring questions of voice and listening from scientific, artistic, philosophical and political perspectives.  Who – and what – do we deem capable of having a voice, and worthy of being listened to? And how does the way we listen […]

Theremin. Una storia segreta

Premio Lucia 2024 Winner : Projects How many stories can a musical instrument tell? Theremin, a secret history is a headlong rush of sound and words, a narrative journey to discover the dawn and sunset of one of the first electronic instruments. It is an unusual choral fresco that mixes the adventures of a Russian […]

Reality looks back

A piece produced within the context of YASS! mentorship programMentor: Cristal DuhaimeWORLD PREMIERE When you watch a particle it acts like a particle. But when you look away, it does a whole other thing.This story explores modes of experiencing the strange quantum basis of an everyday life. It journeys through split déja-vu, Schrödinger’s hamster and […]