
The only animal that can speak?

A documentary produced within the context of YASS! mentorship propgram.Mentor: Yasmina Hamlawi A creative audio documentary exploring questions of voice and listening from scientific, artistic, philosophical and political perspectives.  Who – and what – do we deem capable of having a voice, and worthy of being listened to? And how does the way we listen […]

Reality looks back

A piece produced within the context of YASS! mentorship programMentor: Cristal DuhaimeWORLD PREMIERE When you watch a particle it acts like a particle. But when you look away, it does a whole other thing.This story explores modes of experiencing the strange quantum basis of an everyday life. It journeys through split déja-vu, Schrödinger’s hamster and […]

YASS! Masterclass: Felix Blume – Listening to the other(s)

Listening to the others is YASS! 2022 third online masterclass.It was recorded last December 1st, 2022. More than sound, listening is the central point of Felix Blume’s work: listening as a way to relate to others, to meet and learn from the other(s). Revisiting previous projects, such as his audio piece  Los gritos de México […]