
Shadow Work

Shadow Work was made as a mode of healing and transformation. It is about the importance of darkness and an invitation to observe what grows in shadows. This piece was first made as a submission to the KCRW Radio Race 2019, and then published on Short Cuts from Falling Tree Productions.  Special thanks to Margo Mejia, […]

Les villages des fous

Le village des fous is a fictionalized documentary about a village affected by an inexplicable plague of madness. It is based on true events that occurred in Pont-Saint-Esprit, France in 1951. “Our son Charles woke up last night bathed in sweat. He saw crazy shapes on the walls and carpets. To reassure him, his father […]

Cantilenano le onde

Cantilenano le onde is produced with the support of Lucia Award 2021. Cantilenano le onde is a radio work that has grown out of some conversations between Houda Latrech and Alice Pontiggia, which took place on the shores of some of the seas, rivers, lakes and streams that are part of their stories and have […]

Variazioni su M.

Variazioni su M. is produced thanks to the support of Lucia Award 2021.  Leo Ferlan was born in 1928 in Idra, a town formerly in the province of Gorizia, now in Slovenia. A botanist, he was sent to Algeria in 1952 for a geo-cartographic campaign after working in Montpellier for three years. Suddenly, a friend […]