
Prima Persona Plurale

Winner Premio Lucia 2022 Featuring Cecilia Ciolle Gallucci, Zahra Ed Darrak, Laura Amponsah, Giada Pignotti and Sofia VolpiSound by Valeria MiracapilloFrom Tania Ferrucci’s diary In 2022, Radio Papesse – in collaboration with Fondazione Archivio Diaristico Nazionale – launched the 3rd edition of PREMIO LUCIA for audio production, dedicating it to five diaries that are about […]

YASS! Masterclass: Helen Zaltzman – Boring Interesting

Boring Interesting is the opening masterclass of the II season of YASS! You are so sound. It was recorded last November 10th, 2022. [Due to tech issues, we couldn’t record the first few minutes of our warm-up chit chat… sorry about that!] Not all audio stories are personal; not all are emotional. The Allusionist is […]

YASS! Masterclass: Mitra Kaboli – Behind the scenes of Welcome to Provincetown

Behind the scenes of Welcome to Provincetown is YASS! 2022 second online masterclass. It was recorded on November 17th 2022. In this generous behind-the-scenes review of Welcome to Provincetown, Mitra Kaboli talked about the challenges and choices that have accompanied her over a year of work. She also shared about the tremendous editing work and […]

YASS! Masterclass: Felix Blume – Listening to the other(s)

Listening to the others is YASS! 2022 third online masterclass.It was recorded last December 1st, 2022. More than sound, listening is the central point of Felix Blume’s work: listening as a way to relate to others, to meet and learn from the other(s). Revisiting previous projects, such as his audio piece  Los gritos de México […]

YASS! Masterclass: Sara de Monchy – How to make exciting youth audio

How to make exciting youth audio is YASS! 2022 4° masterclass.It was recorded in Florence, on December 9th, on the occasion of the Listening Kids seminar. Sara de Monchy is a theater and podcast director. She graduated from the Royal Theatre Academy in Maastricht, and has several successful theater productions to her credit. Her love for fantasy, audio and theater comes […]

De plantage van onze voorouders

In the 8-part podcast The Plantation Of Our Ancestors, Maartje Duin delves into traces of slavery in her family tree. She discovers that an ancestor of hers used to own part of the sugar plantation Tout Lui Faut in Suriname, then a colony of the Netherlands. Soon she meets Peggy Bouva, one of the descendants […]

Vagues de Chaleur

Phalena, a creature from the future and member of an underground society, discovers a sound documentary from 2020. She is surprised to hear women talking about menopause, pregnancy, love, ecofeminism, climate change… Inspired by these women, she decides to record a message for the surface. “If you exist, you will hear me through the slit, […]

A walk through my cũcũ’s farm

Being able to visit her Cũcũ – grandmother in Kikuyu – in her home in Githũnguri, Kenya, for Christmas, felt especially meaningful last 2020, given the pandemic’s toll on the world, and its spotlight on the vulnerability of our grandparents. Together with her family, Nyokabi Kariũki walked around the farm — just as they always […]

Diario di una fenice irrequieta

This work was made possible thanks to the Lucia Prize, a collaboration between Radio Papesse, Lucia Festival and the Fondazione Archivio Diaristico Nazionale di Pieve Santo Stefano. Diario di una fenice irrequieta[Diary of a restless phoenix] is an audio appendix to the diary Inchiostro, storia di un’adolescente oltre l’anoressia that Caterina Minni wrote when she […]