Theremin. Una storia segreta
Johann Merrich
Premio Lucia 2024 Winner : Projects
How many stories can a musical instrument tell?
Theremin, a secret history is a headlong rush of sound and words, a narrative journey to discover the dawn and sunset of one of the first electronic instruments.
It is an unusual choral fresco that mixes the adventures of a Russian inventor, those of a Lithuanian pioneer and the roaring – and dramatic – revolutions of two continents at the turn of the two world wars.
Sound organiser and part of the experimental duo L’Impero della Luce, Johann Merrich [b. 1981] is an independent researcher in the fields of electronic music history, where she focuses her attentions on the contributions of – so-called – minorities in the construction of the new sound.
In love with silence – which in the pages of history reveals forgotten tales and in the soundscape reveals unheard layers of life – since 2018 she has been creating and disseminating workshops on silence, listening practices, research and the history of musical experimentation.