Et si Ganda s’était sauvé?

‘Et si Ganda s’était sauvé’ (What if Ganda had escaped?) is a fictional story based on the (real) passage of Ganda, an Indian rhinoceros, to the island of If in 1516. Based on this surprising historical fact and the rhinoceros’s forced journey, a group of local children and the artists Chloé Despax and Sarah Cheveau imagined that Ganda cut the rope, escaped and discovered the creeks of Marseilles and their inhabitants: sea cucumbers, jellyfish, squid, not forgetting the famous gabions.

An original proposal by Chloé Despax
Radio creation: Chloé Despax
Text: Carole Saturno
Illustration: Sarah Cheveau and Aymen Dorbane (for the final table)
Kamisihibaï reading: Stéphanie Lemonnier

A story inspired by the imagination of Yasmine, Mariam, Elene, Enes, Aala, Kellyenne, Kiara, Aymen, Mame Diarra, Wafa, Cheikh, Youcef and Islem.

Cultural mediation and executive production: Peuple et Culture Marseille
Associated production: Euphonia / Radio Grenouille

A ‘Mondes nouveaux’ production supported by the French Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the Centre des monuments nationaux.