Lucia Festival \ Events
Thursday 12 December, 2024
Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U.

Projection introduced by ALMARE in dialogue with Rodolfo Sacchettini
The film consists of a single voice narration over a sequence of dark backgrounds with Italian and English subtitles. Backgrounds and titles are entirely shot from movable type prints. No other image is present in the film.
The screenplay is written in a language that mixes old and contemporary Italian, and integrates excerpts from literature, poetry and essays.
The plot
Set in a fictional society, Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. is an audio-diary that follows the adventures of researcher Dorothea as she extracts (and resells) sounds from the past.
Thanks to a technology called ECHO, it is possible to analyse the sound waves that have been engraved on every surface over the centuries. ECHO reveals the audio traces imprinted in matter, allowing any sound to be recovered. Dorothea Ïesj receives a scholarship financed by the war industry and the powerful university association “Societas Paleoacusticæ Universalis”, better known as S.P.U., to analyse sound artefacts related to military actions, which she then smuggles with a group of colleagues.
The trilogy is inspired by pseudo-scientific theories developed in the 19th century, at the same time as the Growing development of recording technologies. These included archaeoacoustics, which suggested the possibility of tracing acoustic phenomena of the past that remained “engraved” in matter. Extracting sounds is currently impossible, but plausible: this hypothesis prompts reflection on its consequences in terms of social control and monitoring.
Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. investigates the link between data capitalism, technology, and value creation, reflecting on the use of archaeological artefacts, archives, and memory as instruments of power and control. The narrative structure of Life Chronicles develops from certain premises that are already current in our socio-economic system, such as the use of voice data, non-consensual recordings, and voiceprints. Self-tracing is already a reality, and our recordings are already part of the archaeological realm, as they begin sliding towards gradual obsolescence just as they happen.
The medium: between audio and video
Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. is an audio narrative, with subtitles in Italian and English in video format, and therefore stands at the frontier of radio, film, and literature, in a hybrid genre that has a long artistic and cinematic tradition in videos without images. The script is written in a dystopian language that mixes ancient and contemporary Italian. It originates from the exchange of emails and messages between the members of ALMARE, and openly quotes and alters extracts from essays, novels, film scripts, and video games.
a project by ALMARE
curated by Radio Papesse
promoted in collaboration with Timespan
Produced thanks to the support of the Italian Council – a program to promote Italian art by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
ALMARE (2017-2024) is a collective dedicated to contemporary practices that use sound as an expressive medium. Founded by Amos Cappuccio, Giulia Mengozzi, Luca Morino and Gabriele Rendina Cattani, ALMARE has worked between artistic and curatorial practices, through writing, research, sound and music production, concert organisation, performance lectures, talks and exhibitions. ALMARE has produced the film and audionovel Life Chronicles Of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. oin collaboration with Radio Papesse and thanks to the support of Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
ALMARE has collaborated with national and international institutions such as Fondazione Baruchello, Roma (IT); Cité Internationale des Arts, Parigi (FR); Club2Club (Torino); Hangar, Barcellona (ES); LOOP, Barcellona (ES); MACAO, Milano (IT); MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna, Bologna (IT); Museion Bolzano (IT); Polo del ‘900, Torino (IT); Radio Papesse, Firenze (IT); Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino (IT); Timespan, Helmsdale (UK). Among the artists, musicians, djs, philosophers, and researchers they did work with are: Vinit Agarwal, Thomas Ankersmit, Antwood, Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti, Federico Campagna, Eleni Ikoniadou & Viki Steiri, Enrico Malatesta, Porpora Marcasciano, Marina Rosenfeld, Carl Stone.

All the LUCIA festival events are free entry.
The festival venue is accessible to people with reduced mobility and wheelchair users.