Lucia Festival \ Events
Saturday 14 December, 2024
Jonathan Zenti
From the Bauhaus to Spotify

A reflection on the evolution of audio production from the craftsmanship of the ‘radio revolution’ between art and imagination to the standardisation derived from the industrial mass production of content for listening.
What if we went back to study the Bauhaus, which a hundred years ago asked how to generate value when producing objects?
Perhaps design culture could give us some answers.
The talk will be in English and will be accompanied by live visual scribing by Nicola Giorgio
Jonathan Zenti is an author and podcast designer. He has worked for Ad Alta Voce and TreSoldi (Rai Radio 3), BBC, CBC and ABC Australia. He has been a multiple finalist in the Prix Italia, Prix Europa and Radiotopia’s Podquest competition in Boston. He won the Hearsay Award in
Ireland in 2015 and the Third Coast Award in Chicago in 2018. Today he curates his podcasts ‘TOTAL’, ‘Problems’ and the creative direction of the podcasts of Internazionale. In his work he talks about complexity and human relationships.
All the LUCIA festival events are free entry.
The festival venue is accessible to people with reduced mobility and wheelchair users.