
L’arco di Chiara

SEMINAR Radioimmaginaria is the teenagers’ radio station, born in 2012 in Castel Guelfo di Bologna, where “no adult gets involved in the content”, and the speakers are all aged between 11 and 17. From an extra-curricular project to webradio, from the Sanremo Festival to the Fridays for Future demonstrations with Greta Thunberg, Radioimmaginaria has grown […]

The impact of audio on language and reading in children

SEMINAR Children have the right to access and enjoy audio, in order to learn a language and find their way to reading, but they cannot do this alone: this is where teachers and podcast producers come into play. With Tjeerd van den Elsen, you will discover how important good audio productions are for children: how […]

Variazioni su M.

LISTENING In the presence of Martina Melilli and Renato Rinaldi. Variazioni su M. is produced thanks to the support of Lucia Award 2021.  Leo Ferlan was born in 1928 in Idra, a town formerly in the province of Gorizia, now in Slovenia. A botanist, he was sent to Algeria in 1952 for a geo-cartographic campaign […]

Io ero il Milanese

LIVE Io ero il milanese (I was the Milanese) recounts the life of a man who has made many poor choices, a man struck by misfortune, who has hit bottom but risen back up. It is a story of how you should never give up hope nor trust, and above all how you should always […]

Loss, Rain and Listening as an act of intimacy

MASTERCLASS A central aspect of audio making is listening. For Nanna Hauge Kristensen, listening entails a bodily attentiveness – an attunement to the Other, it creates a space where openness and exchanges can unfold. Her audio pieces often revolve around loss and beginnings, and her work moves across anthropology, documentarism and art. In her sonic […]

It’s Alright

LISTENING Phoebe McIndoe has always been interested in exploring stories around family and adoption. As she recalls: “My little brother is adopted and our relationship, over the years, has been quite complex, challenging and sometimes rewarding”. In It’s Alright Phoebe McIndoe examines their relationship by focusing on a single day and a single event: “We […]

Listening Kids

SEMINAR With talks by Gianfranco Bandini (UNIFI), Radioimmaginaria, Tjeerd van den Elsen (Radiorakkers), Sébastien Schimtz and Florent Barat (Le Collectif WOW!), Ana Gonzalez (Terrestrials – Radiolab) and a masterclass by Sara de Monchy Lucia Festival will open with a seminar dedicated to audio storytelling for children. Bambini all’ascolto / Listening Kids welcomes researchers, podcasters and […]