
Une utopie, un mensonge

LISTENING In the presence of the author. A Fantasy, A Lie is the story of Jaione, a Basque woman who joined the Basque separatist movement ETA at the age of 18 but ended up in prison in Spain 40 years later. This audio documentary is not about guilt or innocence. No, this story is about […]

La grande famiglia

LISTENING PREMIERE in collaboration with Rai Play Soundat the presence of the author In the 1950s, a New York radio station created La grande famiglia – The big family, a programme for Italian-Americans sponsored by a tomato company. The mechanism is simple, but ingenious: in a world without telephones, anyone, in exchange for ten labels […]

Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U.

AUDIONOVEL and FILM Projection introduced by ALMARE in dialogue with Rodolfo Sacchettini The film consists of a single voice narration over a sequence of dark backgrounds with Italian and English subtitles. Backgrounds and titles are entirely shot from movable type prints. No other image is present in the film.The screenplay is written in a language […]

The Voice and the Mic

YASS! Lab Chiara Claudi Dec 12-13, 2024IN ITALIAN ONLYLength: 11 hours HOURSThu 12th > 10am-1pm – 2pm-6pmFri 13th > 10am-2pm WHEREVilla RomanaVia Senese 68, 50124 Firenze How many times have you listened to something and thought that the voice ‘sounded strange’? How many times have you had the feeling that something was out of place? And […]

Diario di una fenice irrequieta

LISTENING Winner of Premio LUCIA 2020 Diario di una fenice irrequietais an audio appendix to the diary Inchiostro, storia di un’adolescente oltre l’anoressia that Caterina Minni wrote when she was 14 years old. It is an attempt to talk about anorexia through some of the words Caterina wrote and that Francesca Berardi underlined, because that diary could […]

Un estremo atto d’amore

LIVE Winner of Premio LUCIA 2020 Un estremo atto d’amore is a radio play based on In nome del popolo italiano. Storia di una malavita, Claudio Foschini’s diary. The work draws inspiration from the many points of contact between Claudio’s life and Greek tragedy: it interweaves his life of crime, his moral conflicts between will […]

Genova, vent'anni dopo. Un cuscino in testa non basta. Foto del panel a Lucia festival 2021 con Daria Corrias, Annalisa Camilli, Giacomo Locci, Mauro Pescio, Andrea Borgnino e Tiziano Bonini

Un cuscino in testa non basta. Genova, vent’anni dopo

ASCOLTO Genoa 2001, twenty years later. LUCIA hosts a panel dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the G8 in Genoa, through listening to and comparing a number of podcast productions released during 2021: Genova per Tutti, Limoni, Vent’anni… a confrontation on generational wounds, on the dissolution of a social body, on the power of audio […]

Iolanda mi nant de nòmini

LISTENING This work has been produced with the support of LUCIA’s YASS! You Are So Sound Mentorship program. STUDIOLANDA has worked with radio producer Rikke Houd. Orlanda Sassu, a Sardinian poet and ecologist (1924-2015), carried on a lifelong practice of audio recording to archive the memory of her country and language that she feared to […]

Il était un père

LISTENING This piece is presented thanks to the collaboration of ARTE radio A father drives his daughter to the station. They pass a car pulling a trailer, which reminds the daughter of childhood vacations spent with her father, mother and… godfather. Memories resurface. The man everyone called Godfather, who has since died… Who was he […]

Het bos heeft ons niet nodig

LISTENING This work is presented in collaboration with Oorzaken Festival, Amsterdam, thanks to the support of the Ambasciata del Regno dei Paesi Bassi in Italia. Forests are the easiest, cheapest and most efficient way to sequester carbon and thus combat global warming. However, time is running out, and forests grow exasperatingly slowly. How do we […]