Electric forests
Just as the trees in a forest cannot hear the sounds of their foliage being moved by the wind, man too is surrounded by non-intentional sounds that his naked ear cannot hear.
Just as the trees in a forest cannot hear the sounds of their foliage being moved by the wind, man too is surrounded by non-intentional sounds that his naked ear cannot hear.
LISTENING Dr Evgen Bavčar has a special ritual. For over forty years, he has been recording the nightingale singing on May nights in his hometown of Lokavec near Ajdovščina. Under the nocturnal cloak, in duet and in collaboration with the nightingale, the story from Lokavec unfolds into a narrative of the nightingales’ blinding so they […]
A reflection on the evolution of audio production from the craftsmanship of the ‘radio revolution’ between art and imagination to the standardisation derived from the industrial mass production of content for listening.
LIVE An immersive listening session to ‘prepare the ears’ for the day. In collaboration with Semi Silent, sound artist Ana Teodora Popa guides participants through a series of immersive listening and physical resonances.Lying down, with eyes closed or motion, Ana Teodora Popa and Semi Silent use sound to manipulate perception and evoke emotions. For the […]
AUDIONOVEL and FILM Projection introduced by ALMARE in dialogue with Rodolfo Sacchettini The film consists of a single voice narration over a sequence of dark backgrounds with Italian and English subtitles. Backgrounds and titles are entirely shot from movable type prints. No other image is present in the film.The screenplay is written in a language […]
YASS! Lab Chiara Claudi Dec 12-13, 2024IN ITALIAN ONLYLength: 11 hours HOURSThu 12th > 10am-1pm – 2pm-6pmFri 13th > 10am-2pm WHEREVilla RomanaVia Senese 68, 50124 Firenze How many times have you listened to something and thought that the voice ‘sounded strange’? How many times have you had the feeling that something was out of place? And […]