
Genova, vent'anni dopo. Un cuscino in testa non basta. Foto del panel a Lucia festival 2021 con Daria Corrias, Annalisa Camilli, Giacomo Locci, Mauro Pescio, Andrea Borgnino e Tiziano Bonini

Un cuscino in testa non basta. Genova, vent’anni dopo

ASCOLTO Genoa 2001, twenty years later. LUCIA hosts a panel dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the G8 in Genoa, through listening to and comparing a number of podcast productions released during 2021: Genova per Tutti, Limoni, Vent’anni… a confrontation on generational wounds, on the dissolution of a social body, on the power of audio […]

Iolanda mi nant de nòmini

LISTENING This work has been produced with the support of LUCIA’s YASS! You Are So Sound Mentorship program. STUDIOLANDA has worked with radio producer Rikke Houd. Orlanda Sassu, a Sardinian poet and ecologist (1924-2015), carried on a lifelong practice of audio recording to archive the memory of her country and language that she feared to […]

Il était un père

LISTENING This piece is presented thanks to the collaboration of ARTE radio A father drives his daughter to the station. They pass a car pulling a trailer, which reminds the daughter of childhood vacations spent with her father, mother and… godfather. Memories resurface. The man everyone called Godfather, who has since died… Who was he […]

Het bos heeft ons niet nodig

LISTENING This work is presented in collaboration with Oorzaken Festival, Amsterdam, thanks to the support of the Ambasciata del Regno dei Paesi Bassi in Italia. Forests are the easiest, cheapest and most efficient way to sequester carbon and thus combat global warming. However, time is running out, and forests grow exasperatingly slowly. How do we […]

Drip Drop

LISTENING Can you imagine rain without the rain, the sound made only with our voices? It began like this and went even further. Metamorphoses in a personal storm, with thunder like bells running in memories of old rains from other days: how did the rain and water feel then? The dynamic of water is felt […]

The difference between a bird and a plane

VIDEO “..when everything is ‘it’, living and non-living, our language cannot distinguish between a bird and a plane….Potawatomi can distinguish between a bird and a plane because it has two different verbs for listening: depending if you are listening to something animate or inanimate” The Difference between a Bird and a Plane is a 3-episode […]

Life Chronicles Of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. Chapter 1: The morning of the Fifth Anniversary

LISTENING / TALK L’audio-serie sci-fi Cronache di vita di Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. segue il viaggio della ricercatrice Dorothea e le sue peripezie nell’estrarre (e rivendere) suoni del passato. Prendendo spunto dall’archeologia sonora e in particolare dalle teorie dell’archeoacustica, l’opera descrive un futuro immaginario in cui il suono può essere estratto dagli oggetti e dalla materia. […]

Vagues de chaleur

LISTENING Phalena, a creature from the future and member of an underground society, discovers a sound documentary from 2020. She is surprised to hear women talking about menopause, pregnancy, love, ecofeminism, climate change… Inspired by these women, she decides to record a message for the surface: “If you exist, you will hear me through the […]

Muta Imago. Sparizioni sulla luna. Immagine di copertina

Sparizioni: Fly me to the moon

LIVE venerdì 10 dicembre 2021 Sparizioni is a radio project that Muta Imago developed in 2020 during the first months of lockdown. Seven episodes, seven stages of a journey that investigates the concepts of disappearance, ego withdrawal and evasion. Each episode takes the form of a letter sent from a remote place, where Riccardo Fazi […]

Emanuele Pace @ LUCIA 2021

Celestial bodies, relational bodies

LIVE LUCIA 2021 opens with an address by astrophysicist Emanuele Pace who will try to reconnect the dots putting together the innate human desire of storytelling and and its attraction to the unknown and to the immensity of the universe. Emanuele Pace is an astrophysicist at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence.