SANTINI A hand when you need it
The event dedicated to audio makers, radio and podcasting professionals because independent producers often have to face difficult and lonely choices…
The event dedicated to audio makers, radio and podcasting professionals because independent producers often have to face difficult and lonely choices…
‘They wished me a great long life,’ says Giovanni Farina. Until 31 December 9999. Giovanni Farina was a lifer.
This much we know. The woman in the portrait is wearing pearls, leaning forward, smoking a cigarette. But the rest is unknown – who she was, her relationship with an unknown artist. It is open to speculation.
Listening to the others is YASS! 2022 third online masterclass.It was recorded last December 1st, 2022. More than sound, listening is the central point of Felix Blume’s work: listening as a way to relate to others, to meet and learn from the other(s). Revisiting previous projects, such as his audio piece Los gritos de México […]
Phalena, a creature from the future and member of an underground society, discovers a sound documentary from 2020. She is surprised to hear women talking about menopause, pregnancy, love, ecofeminism, climate change… Inspired by these women, she decides to record a message for the surface. “If you exist, you will hear me through the slit, […]
A father drives his daughter to the station. They pass a car pulling a trailer, which reminds the daughter of childhood vacations spent with her father, mother and… godfather. Memories resurface. The man everyone called Godfather, who has since died… Who was he really? Why did he take up so much space in the family? […]
This work has been produced with the support of Lucia’s YASS! Mentorship program.Studiolanda has worked with radio producer Rikke Houd. Orlanda Sassu, a Sardinian poet and ecologist (1924-2015), carried on a lifelong practice of audio recording to archive the memory of her country and language that she feared to lose. Her voice transcends time barriers […]
This work has been produced with the support of Lucia’s YASS! Mentorship program.Kate Donovan has worked with audio maker Katharina Smets. In 1954, a woman was woken from her nap on the couch by a meteorite crashing through the ceiling of her home, bouncing off the radio and eventually hitting her body. The re-telling of […]
In the early 2000s, a very young radio student discovered the Buffalo Bitches, the female hooligan club of KAA Gent. Eva Moeraert made a moving mockumentary about Kimberley and Tiffany, the only two members of the club. Their love for their soccer club is unbreakable, and the two become close friends. Twenty years later, Eva […]
LISTENING Winner of Premio LUCIA 2020 Diario di una fenice irrequietais an audio appendix to the diary Inchiostro, storia di un’adolescente oltre l’anoressia that Caterina Minni wrote when she was 14 years old. It is an attempt to talk about anorexia through some of the words Caterina wrote and that Francesca Berardi underlined, because that diary could […]