Edizione: 2020

Et si Ganda s’était sauvé

ASCOLTO e LABORATORIO Listening session in collaboration with Internazionale KidsAfter the listening, the kids will be guided through a series of educational and playful activities by Chloé Despax. ‘Et si Ganda s’était sauvé’ (What if Ganda had escaped?) is a fictional story based on the (real) passage of Ganda, an Indian rhinoceros, to the island […]

Out of the Dream Woods

LIVE We recommend that you bring a pillow and comfortable clothes. What do our dreams sound like?What if it were possible to bring the sounds of dreams back into our waking life? Maria Pecchioli transforms the transition between sleep and wakefulness into a sensory awakening, a way of embracing the sound of our breath and […]

Sonic Digestif: Humor In The Dark

ASCOLTO An exploration of humorous audiostorytelling. Stand up comedy… stand up sound?Talia Augustidis, will be presenting a selection of short audio pieces from various creators that address big issues, get to the heart of big ideas, and generally loom larger than their short run-time, all in the key of humor.The event is an ode to […]

The Voice and the Microphone

YASS! Lab Chiara Claudi Dec 12-13, 2024IN ITALIAN ONLYLength: 11 hours HOURSThu 12th > 10am-1pm – 2pm-6pmFri 13th > 10am-2pm WHEREVilla RomanaVia Senese 68, 50124 Firenze How many times have you listened to something and thought that the voice ‘sounded strange’? How many times have you had the feeling that something was out of place? And […]

The voice and the Mic

YASS! Lab Chiara Claudi Dec 12-13, 2024IN ITALIAN ONLYLength: 11 hours HOURSThu 12th > 10am-1pm – 2pm-6pmFri 13th > 10am-2pm WHEREVilla RomanaVia Senese 68, 50124 Firenze How many times have you listened to something and thought that the voice ‘sounded strange’? How many times have you had the feeling that something was out of place? And […]

Prima Persona Plurale

LISTENING Winner Premio Lucia 2022 Featuring Cecilia Ciolle Gallucci, Zahra Ed Darrak, Laura Amponsah, Giada Pignotti and Sofia VolpiSound by Valeria MiracapilloFrom Tania Ferrucci’s diary In 2022, Radio Papesse – in collaboration with Fondazione Archivio Diaristico Nazionale – launched the 3rd edition of PREMIO LUCIA for audio production, dedicating it to five diaries that are […]

Sowing Seeds of Hope and Doubt

INCONTRO On his podcast, The Best Advice Show, Zak Rosen gathers insights about confronting, subverting and overcoming creative crises. In this interactive session, he’ll share morsels from his archive and help festival attendees work through their current creative conundrums. Zak Rosen is a storymaker from Detroit currently living in Amsterdam. He’s the host of The […]